“No Body Part Is An Island”
I have the most amazing clients. And here’s one reason why I know this to be true: They say the most amazing things, completely unsolicited A client of mine recently blurted out during a session “Well, we know that no body part is an island….” I had to stop working...
Rolfing: It’s Not Just Elbows and Pressure
Allow me to let you in on a little secret: It’s not very easy for me to describe what Rolfing is in a succinct way. Why? Because, it just isn’t. In the world we’re living in now, where sound bites reign and attention spans last about 2.7 seconds, getting across to...
I like questions. People who know me well know that about me. During my Rolfing® training, I was the guy who always had a few zingers waiting on deck for our teachers. My reputation for being curious and inquisitive became a running joke amongst my classmates. “I have...
Welcome to my blog!
Welcome to my blog page! Here I will be writing about a variety of topics, Rolfing-related or otherwise.